Saturday, November 16, 2013

a quick catch up.

WOW I did not realize the last time I was on here was January 2012! So since my last post A lot has changed. Delilah is 2 1/2 and Aria is 4, you would NEVER know either of them were born micro preemies. I am now a stay at home mom and an independent distributor for It Works. We have the AMAZING ultimate skinny wraps, so if you want one or host a party you know who to call.

We have also moved to Kentucky. We have been here for about a month, it is a bit different from Michigan. It's beautiful!! One big change for me is not being so close to everything, driving doesn't bother me just figuring out where thing's are and how to get around is a little hard at times. I have met some very nice women at MOPS (mothers of preschoolers). I can not wait to make good solid friendships.

I miss all my Michigan friends more then they know. I am thankful for texting, skype, facebook, and email so i don't feel so alone down here.

But now the mission is get Aria in preschool and grow my It Works business. how do you find people to host a party, or become a distributor?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

simplicity is easy you just have to slow down!

Feeling a little stressed with life and potty training I was feeding Delilah her bottle and Aria was playing in her room, I looked down at Delilah and said "hey tiny your little are you a leprechaun? do you have a pot of gold anywhere or can you grant me magic wishes?" lol She looked me right in the eye and i swear said pfffttttt and giggled so loud. I was just hoping the pot of gold would have a magic potty training fairy in it somewhere hehehe! But she does have super powers she made me laugh, then Aria comes out of her room walking super silly and says "Mamma I love ya" lol so i found my pot of gold and my wishes came true. Now if only potty training happened that easy.

I swear I don't understand why Aria HATES potty training. Yesterday we started out excited I mean super excited about the potty, then as the day went on it was screaming, crying kicking fits (yes Aria not me lol). I promised her stickers nothing, I promised M&M'S and still nothing she is stubborn and doesn't care BUT today while getting groceries she saw a coloring book (she LOVES books) it was a BIG giant book, I didn't not buy it for her but told her if she starts going in the potty then she can have it. In a few weeks i may buy it and put it in the bathroom where she can see it but not touch it. I am not doing the every hour potty time yet just like before nap, after nap, before we eat, when she has a funny look on her face, before and after bed but soon it will become every hour once we get over the fear of the potty. PLUS I you tube a lot of stuff after Delilah went to bed about potty time, Aria LOVED bear and the big blue house potty song.

Delilah is doing so much now it's so crazy one day she isn't doing these thing's and she wakes up and says hey im gonna start sitting up now she's not doing it a whole lot but shes doing really well, I still keep her between my legs to help hold her up well to catch her from knocking her noggin I kinda HATE hard wood floors. Delilah is 9 months old on Feb 5th and adjusted age she would be 5 1/2 months old. This last week she started holding her bottle by herself a little more which is awesome :) she held it for almost her whole bottle a little while ago.

With this whole I can roll around thing Delilah is doing she is EVERYWHERE lol it's so funny to watch her, well actually you cant watch her she wont do it when your out in the living room with her or trying to catch it on video :) as soon as you go potty or go to make her or Aria food she (i swear this happens hahaha) get's up and runs to the other side of the room and lays down as you turn to look :) Delilah has also started acting like an inch worm on the floor she'll tuck her legs under her body and move forward she's such a little smarty pants, she figures hey if i can't crawl ill figure this stuff out on my own.

It amazes me how kids can figure thing's out so darn fast and us adults sit there scratching our heads at such easy thing's makes me realize how much i really over think thing's.

So since I have become a Independent Thirty-One consultant I have had a ton of fun doing it. I still have not done my 1st in home party so far thats February 18th and im nervous but excited, super excited to see my friend Sarah and to catch up with her (YAY!). but it's still fun and I really enjoy it, HOPING thing's pick up and I start doing more :)

well I guess i should get off here and find more donations for my March of Dimes team for our Zumba Event :)

Hugs and Love

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just a day!

Friday I got a text while working from my mom telling me Delilah rolled from her back to her belly! This is something she has been working on for some time now and finally mastered lol. She is 8 ½ months old and corrected age she is 5 months old. I really don’t know what the milestones are for full term kids so I think it’s good. I had her on the floor in a certain spot walked to the kitchen to make a bottle and came back she was on the other side of the room. I swear I was only gone for a few minutes!

As Delilah was on her belly she tucked her knees up under her and pushed up with her arms it was for about 30seconds but still I was amazed at what she learned to do in what seems like a few days. I wonder am I going to get a call in 2 weeks saying she’s crawling? How funny would that be to see a baby weighing not even 12lbs crawling? Man my kids are so tiny but full of SOOOOOO much energy.

Delilah wasn't very happy with Aria's hair in her face

There that's better 

I had my 1st catalog party for Thirty-One and was super pumped at the out come!!!! I also had my Kick-Off open house today and was really happy to see the people who came. I got to catch up with old friends I haven’t seen in a while which was great. I got to have some girl time with my 2 crazy girls loving the attention even though Rick is super sick it was a good day. I think I should plan a girl’s day once a month or so. Just to hangout and talk it think that is what I need! I can’t wait for nice weather to be outside and having kids running around and people over having a great time.

Delilah with her god-mother Stacy!

I hope you all had a great day

Hugs and love

Saturday, December 31, 2011


I think everybody makes the resolution to lose weight, get healthy or stop tobacco why don’t you hear people say I’m going to stop being such a jerk, or I’m going to stop being a cheater for New Years lol. It seems people always give up on them by February or March. I have made the same resolution for 11 years now thanks to my old roommate Will, he decided we would not do heroin and guess what I’VE STUCK TO IT lol. I know I’m a dork but come on it’s kind of funny.

This last year has been such a roller coaster, having Delilah after only 25 weeks of being pregnant (thank god I made it to 25 weeks) watching her struggle in the beginning and almost losing her, I am so very thankful for the technology and medicine out there to treat little tiny babes. My faith in god and in people was reaffirmed with having Delilah, people I didn’t even know (and still don’t know) amazed me with their concern and prayers.

I met some new amazing people I truly hope stay in my life forever, I reconnected with some old friends through facebook and I hope we can reconnect in 2012 in real life instead of just through the computer. I have lost some people I loved dearly and I miss them everyday.

I know there are times I get stressed out and feel like nothing will ever turn out right but it always does. Even when the world flips upside down and I feel the floor slipping from underneath of me I have such amazing people in my life who flip the world right side up and rebuild the floor under my feet. I know I don’t say it much but THANK YOU! I appreciate everything everybody does for me.

As most of you know I started a new career adventure, I am an Independent Consultant for Thirty-One, in 2012 I am hoping and praying I do amazing with this! I have already started having fun with it and I hope that continues and gets BIGGER! (Book a party and help me out lol) there are some other thing’s I am hoping works out in 2012 but I will keep those a secret for now.

I am team captain of Little Raisinets for the March of Dimes walk April 29th (please donate by clicking on the logo to the right) I hope to have a lot of fun raising money for our team. We have a Zumba Benefit in the works for March 4th at Studio 215 in Holly. We already have an amazing wine tasting to auction off during the benefit and more in the works.

This year I don’t think I am going to make a resolution (other then the heroin thing lol) but I will make a promise to myself. I will hold my head high no matter what life throws at me, I will be more open with the people in my life, I will reconnect (if you’ll let me) with those in my life who want to reconnect with me, I will love myself more and live life instead of sitting on the sidelines.

Be safe tonight and have fun.
Hugs and love!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

My December

I know it’s been forever since I have posted on here, but that just means life has been a bit uneventful, or there are thing’s I’m trying to figure out how to say thing’s and say them in the most profound words I can.

December 11th I found out my sassy little friend Cheyanne past away. She was 8 months old when she past away. I met Cheyanne and her mom Stacy in the NICU when Delilah was born, Dr.Martin got Stacy and I talking, and it never seemed to stop lol. In the way we met I feel we became close rather fast but when you deal with what we did you get close to people in the same situation. I miss little sassy more then words can say, I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to go see her, I’m sad I didn’t get a chance to go to the funeral, but I am thankful I got to know her and have her in my life. I believe people are put on this world for a reason no matter how short or long. They are put in our lives for one reason or another, we may never see the reason but we know there was something and our hearts are forever changed by them.

Cheyanne on World Prematurity Day rocking the purple! 

Because of Cheyanne and Delilah being so early I met an amazing women with the most strength I have seen in a person. I met Stacy. I admire her strength and her faith in God, she has so many qualities I would like my daughters to have. I asked Stacy to be Delilah’s Godmother! Now Delilah and Aria have an Aunt Stacy in their lives!

The pins we are having made to wear for the March of Dimes walk in Memory of Cheyanne.

I turned 33 this year (December 14th) and my friends Becky, Carrie and Saera made it a great day! oh and Pam made me super yummy cupcakes! (I love cupcakes)

Delilah’s 1st Christmas was great we spent time with my mom’s side of the family on Christmas Eve, both girls did really well even though it was past their bedtime. I tried getting Aria (2 ½ years old) excited about Santa and tracking him on Facebook. I think I was more excited then she was lol, next year she will be super excited I bet.

Full family picture with Mom and J

Delilah in her bumbo on Christmas morning

My stepson Ricky finally got to meet his youngest sister Delilah! Aria won’t leave him alone, which is awesome.

1st full family picture since Delilah was born

Delilah 7 1/2 months, Aria 2 1/2, Ricky 14.

Delilah and I went to go visit Dr.Martin for the 1st time since she came home, she is a bit worried with Delilah’s movements and wanted to send her for am MIR to check her brain. Dr.Martin says Delilah is moving her arms to jerky and without purpose, so she is concerned it could be a form of CP (cerebral palsy) I am not worried and I told her to stop messing with my baby lol. We go for a 6 month adjusted age appointment in February so we will see what’s going on then. If she still moves that way we will have to get a MRI, if there is anything wrong we will start physical therapy.

Well that’s all I got for now (I think)
Hugs and love

lol had to share this picture, Rick and Aria "sleeping" with the new Kentucky blankets we got from Johnny and Laura. 

Friday, December 9, 2011


In my life I have had my ups and downs, I lost my older brother in 1995 very suddenly he was the 1st person I knew (personally) to die who wasn’t old (which is what happened when your old). My dad was less than a year in 1996 later no one knew what to think of his suicide. Saturday December 10th (tomorrow) my dad would have turned 60 I miss him so much.

As you all know reading this blog we had a very hard time with my pregnancies and after was scarier then being pregnant. We had a miscarriage in May of 2010 that not many people know about I think of that baby everyday.

We have had (like everybody) financial ups and a down, relationship ups and downs just crazy life stuff that happens to us all. But the one thing I never lose sight of is faith.

Having faith that everything will be ok no matter how stressful life gets is what’s gotten me through my crazy life.

I was on facebook when I saw a post for a Youtube video, now I don’t normally watch these video’s but I had seen a lot of my friends had posted this once certain video so I figured ok ill watch it. There are no words just a young man and index cards, maybe it was the timing of me watching the video but I cried (yes I’m more emotional now I had my girls) but his message was what I needed to hear at that moment. I’m going to try and share the link on my blog (wish my luck I do it right)

With out all the stress and the craziness, the ups and downs losing people I love so much having to deal with scary micro preemie NICU insanity I wouldn’t be who I am today. I wouldn’t have met the people I have met. So I have faith God has a plan for me and it’s bigger then what I can see in front of me.

So if your ever sad of feeling depressed and you need someone to talk to I am here! I love you all (even if I don’t know you) Hugs and love! I hope i did this right watch the video :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Such a slacker

Today was the 2nd round of Synergist for Delilah to protect her from lungs RSV, she got weighed and we found out she is 10lbs 12oz she is 7 months old (corrected age 3 ½ months). I was wondering how big Aria was at this age so I pulled out her baby book and realized how much of a slacker I am. I stopped writing in her book at 5 months. What is wrong with me? How can I have stopped writing in her book at 5 months she weighed 8lbs 1oz. I did find her 6month sheet from the Dr and she weighed 9lbs 8.8oz. hahahaha I have pictures of Aria in her book I just didn’t write in it.

I am also sad I haven’t made a book for Delilah. How many of use actually look at our baby books when we grow up?

So since this is kind of my baby book for Delilah let me tell you about her silliness! Today she sat up just holding my finger while at the doctors, we have tried veggies with her and she has NO interest in them she does do well with her oatmeal just no veggies. We will try again in a week or so; I’m sure she’s going to be just like her sister and HATE veggie and only like fruit. Aria could eat a whole cantaloupe if I let her.

Delilah loves her exasaucer but hates laying down, I think she gets mad cause she can’t see everything she wants to see. Darn world goes away and the ceiling is BORING! Funny how we think we know what our kids are thinking lol

Going through Aria’s baby book i saw this and wanted to share it with everyone.

“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” 
Shel Silverstein

Well guess that’s it for now, I am so not witty on paper. (or computer) I have so many funny thing’s I think to say as I drive or shower, just not when I’m anywhere I can put it down lol

Hugs and love <3